Running on Waves

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Ecology friendly sailing voyages


Awareness cruising. We do sailing and we do it for real.

At RUNNING ON WAVES we endeavor to revive the good old days style of genuine TALL SHIP sailing, when the man travelling in his vehicle, whatever it was, remained part of nature and its elements, and his impact on the environment was passing like spray on the crest of a sea wave.

Apart from sailing, our main purpose is to open doors to local cultures for our guests, and it makes all the difference. That is why we not only visit bigger ports, which usually pipe in the main share of travel revenue in any country, but also smaller islands with their unique traditional ways of life. Such places are sometimes in real want of tourism incomes, and we, as well as our guests, contribute to local economies.  

Some of the islands have no airport and are equally inaccessible to bigger cruise liners, but RUNNING ON WAVES is free to sail anywhere owing to her low draft.

In such places we can offer our guests a visit to a privately owned winery, cheese- or oil-making factory, a monastery unknown to masses, a site of Ancient Hellas legacy or a national park… If you choose to do so, your will be accompanied by local guides, and will communicate with local people.

However, our arrivals to an island, big or small, is never like an invasion of a numberless throng, with rows of double-deckers waiting at the pier. No, we come and go in harmony, without breaking peace and quietness. As often as not, especially in smaller islands, our guests prefer to use no transportation at all. They are in a mood instead to get lost in a labyrinth of a charming old town...

Local food and local wine, what could be more important for the one who seeks to learn things about a new land ? In accordance with the Slow Food principles, we purchase and serve our Guests local seasonal products as often as possible.


Carbon emissions reduction. Sails, not exhausts.

Wind being her main driving power, RUNNING ON WAVES boasts unbeatably low level of fuel consumption, on average 75 l per hour, which is about 10 times lower than on a motor boat of a comparable size.

Moreover, the procedures of the Company entitle the Crew in charge to salary bonuses for further reduction of fuel consumption, which is achieved through sailing skills.


Environment protection. Clean seas, clean shores.

To maintain ecology-friendly operation, we apply innovative technology solutions, such as the three-fraction waste separation procedure and the full cycle water usage on board: sea water  freshened by desalinators is used for showers, drinking and technical needs alike, and afterwards passes thorough sewage treatment plant, and thus cleansed goes back to the sea.


Equal opportunities and diversity. A true maritime team spirit.

Seafaring and hospitality professionals come to work on board RUNNING ON WAVES from all over the world, including Greece, Cyprus, the Philippines, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Indonesia, Australia, and constitute the strong team. In this team, like in a family, everyone feels secured and supported by the others, while all are proud to deliver the exceptional experience, which has no its equal in the travel industry.

Worth mentioning, women hold 50% of top positions at hospitality department on board and at the Headquarters of the Company.